Project Description
Creaţia / The Creation
Actul creator este cel care sta la baza intregului univers, cel care sustine planeta Pamant si natura umana. Viata este inconjurata de diferite realitati, mai mult sau mai putin perceptibile. Viata plina de mister, impreuna cu scara evolutiei este alcatuita din intamplari autentice, fiecare avand forma si aspect unic. Universul functioneaza prin miscarea timp-spatiu intr-un sincron perfect curgator cu viata fiecaruia dintre noi – atat timp cat stim sa ne ascultam simtirile si chemarea interioara. Fiecare actiune finalizata devine o Creatie a Vietii. Traim toti pe aceeasi planeta; pentru ca armonia sa existe, avem nevoie de intelegere si rabdare. (pictura inramata). /
The act of creation is the foundation of the whole universe, the one which sustain the Earth and the human nature. Life is surrounded by different realities, more or less perceivable. The Life, with its mystery and evolution, is made by authentic events, each of them having its own unique shape and form. The human universe is functioning by space-time movement, in a smooth synchronization with one’s life, as long as we listen our senses and inner calling. Every accomplished action becomes a Life Creation. We all live on the same planet; in order to have harmony, we need understanding and patience. (framed painting).