Project Description

Incredere / Trust

Pornesti de la o raza si ajungi la soare. Pornind pe drumul vietii, respectam cu totii anumite standarde ale trairii de zi cu zi. Totusi, pentru a ne intregi, pentru a ne depasi nivelul de a fi si pentru a obtine telul la care aspiram, e nevoie de INCREDERE (pictura inramata). /

Starting from a ray, reaching the sun. Stepping on the way of life we all follow some day to day standards. However, in order to make ourselves a whole, to overcome our level as a being and for reaching the goals – TRUST is needed (framed painting).

Tip / Type: acrylic pe panza / acrylic on canvas
Dimensiune / Size: 50 x 90 cm
Pret / Price: 500 lei